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Your business is your most important canvas.
Don't let your clients split.



Your main focus should be your business! If you need a plan for executing the best methods for your business or if you need some great ideas you came to the right place.


Your brand should do the talking! Don't have a brand?  Let's build one together!  Having a brand goes beyond what your clients see, it's also about how you made them feel.   The client experience has grown to be crucial in creating repeat business.  Let's build a brand your clients are proud to support.


Business owners must constantly promote their product or service to stay in front of their clients. A marketing plan is the ying to your business yang, although equally important components to any business, your marketing plan is what will attain and retain business.   

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about me.



Welcome to 


If you're reading this then you're probably considering marketing your business and taking it to the next level. That's extremely exciting and I applaud the steps you are taking to achieve success at a high level.  Marketing is my passion and I never stop being amazed by the variety of ways it is conducted all around us.  With the push of technology, the digital revolution has taken off and we are now living in a world where marketing is pushed to your phone, tablets, desktops, smart TVs, and even digital billboards.  I am here to help get you on the digital train, I don't want you to miss the opportunity to market your business digitally and IRL (that's what the kids are using to describe in real life)

so let's get started and most importantly let's get witty, because your business is your most important canvas.



Tel: 323.682.8507

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